Congratulations to All the Winners of the New Kids Play Fest 2024!

We had an incredible time celebrating all of the talented playwrights whose works were selected for our first ever New Kids Play Fest! A huge thank you to all the playwrights for submitting their work, the volunteers who dedicated their time to bringing the plays to life, and the volunteers who helped run the show!

We were so honored to award cash prizes to our winning playwrights. Listed below:

  1. Best of Fest: C.A.M.P Camp by Robyn Mitchell

  2. Best Twist: The Frog Princess by Emily Lewis

  3. Best Group Collab: The Buzz in the Bankhead by Univ. of Montevallo Students

  4. Fantasy Legacy: Let The Magic Continue by Kendra Kizer & Michael Wood with assistance from Mac Wood

  5. Audience Favorite - 10 Minute: ADHbee by L.J. Underwood

  6. Audience Favorite - One Act: SCRAPS: The Patchwork Girl of Oz by Gabrielle Purdum

  7. Audience Favorite - Full Length: First Wish: The Origin of Fairy Godmothers by Kendra Kizer

The New Kids Play Fest was made possible in part by Alabama State Council on the Arts!